Champagne region is a patchwork composed of small plots, the size of which is sometimes ridiculously small but with wealth often surprising.
Just take future as it comes
The Autréau family likes change because that is how the nature is made. And as for the nature nothing is made overnight, for them neitheir. The estate follows a slow and serene motion not to go faster than its environment.
Over time, they have learned not to be fatalistic and to take things as they comes : everything permanently changes, whether we like it or not.
Why should we resist? It is much better to adapt.
Go beyond your scope of practice
La première règle est qu’il n’y a pas de règle. Sachant cela, le principe est simple… non ?
C’est le vignoble qui guide leurs créations. Il est comme une boîte à idées organique : chaque année, de vendanges en vendanges, de nouvelles envies jaillissent sous leurs pieds ébahis. Le circuit de récolte varie toujours du fait des nombreuses expositions, de l’âge des vignes, des types de sols… Tant de facteurs interviennent qu’ils hésitent parfois entre acidité et maturité au moment de vendanger.
En pressant les raisins parcelle par parcelle, la Maison se lance dans une chasse aux trésors toujours fructueuse.
First rule : there is no rule. With this is mind, the principle is simple, isn’t it ?
A land full of ideas Their creations are guided by the vineyard. It is like an organic suggestion box : each year, from harvest to harvest, new wishes emerge under their feet. The harvest circuit always varies with the different exposures, the age of the vines, the type of soils… So many factors are involved and sometimes they may hesitate between acidity and ripeness at the time of harvest.
By pressing the grapes plot by plot, the estate starts a treasure hunt always successful.
Our range of Champagne is created according to the years and our desire.
See the whole collection